Front Wall (Part 1) |
Last year, as we were finishing up the Garage, we planned to build a wall around the front area between the lengthened garage entrance during the Driveway Relocation and the new Walkways. We bought all the rock, but with the extended time frame associated with the Driveway Relocation, it had to wait. This year, it had to wait for the Machinery Pad. And then it had to wait till the Drains were completed because it would be too hard to drain the courtyard after the walls were in. Sounds like I don't want to do it. Hmm . . . |
The lay of the land before the front wall (September 1, 2009). Garage on the left. House on the right. Note the sloping terrain, heading down hill in front - that's a wall-level challenge. Also note the sidwalks from the house to the driveway and to the garage. There are temporary wooden beams that act as the wall today. There are also some leaves on the trees as I start this "two weekend" project. |
Another "Before" shot. This time looking from downhill back up towards the garage and the front stairs. |
Almost finished, except for the lights. This is May 2, 2010, eight months after starting. Of course, we had 60+ inches of snow for several months as well as several Dump Truck modifications to perform. The observant will observe that there is no wall on the right side (west) side of the steps. That had to wait till Stone Wall Part 2. |
A view from the Garage door. Here you can see the flat area for access by heavy machinery and other wheeled vehicles. |
Here's how it started. First, I had to makes ome footer trenches. Since doing the drains, I've gotten better at this. I use the EF-3 Backhoe and its 18" bucket. Good width for normal, homeowner, landscaping footers. |
A close-up of the trench next to the mortared slate walk. |
Trenching around the turn. This is a challenge for a backhoe operatoer - making a corner and keeping the trench only bucket width. Once again - sign of a good project? Getting to use all the machinery - EF-3 Backhoe, Dump Truck, and Tractor. |
EF-3 dumping gravel into the footer trenches. I plan on using gravel to as footer instead of concrete. I'm cheap and its a dry laid wall (with some mortar to make up big gaps). |
Here is the first course or two along the front. I'm struggling with the top corner rock. I have a good one but its a little too short to meet its brother. |
A few weeks later? I use the trusty Dump Truck to go get some Riprap (rubble in wall-speak), which I will use for back of wall purpose, keeping my good rock for the front. It only cost me two quarts of power steering fluid, a quart of brake fluid, and $50 for the rock. |
My buddy at work told me about these special rock chisels. That's it on top of the left half. All I have to do to cut rocks is to bang out a little line where I want the split. Then do it on the other side. Keep going and the rock eventually breaks on the line. Took about 10 minutes for that rock. The chisel is a Rebit HM25, made in Sweden. It costs about 10 times the cost of a cold chisel. See a close-up view on the Tools page. |
More results of the Rebit HM25. The place I bought it had several others, most over $100. This seemed to be the most versatie. I cut some pretty big rocks with it (about 8" thick). Just patience. |
Progress as of October 10, 2009. The top row is not glued. |
October 24 or so. Looking down on the glued in rocks that were just sitting in the picture above. This is nearing the expected finished height (thank anyone!). |
Now, the gravel has been shoveled in. The EF helped get it close, but with all the little unused rocks and rock pallets and cones, and other stuff, I could only get it close enough to hand shovel. Better anyway cause I put in the black fabric to keep the mud away from the nice clean gravel. Also backfilled a little dirt to get it off the feet of the tree. |
This is November 8. Note how the little rubble pile is dwindling. Every time I stick my hand in that pile, one of the ten or twenty pound rocks crushes a fingernail, turning it black. The little board in the foreground is for the mortar (its a Mortar Board). The JetVac is a poor boy' way of blowing leaves around. |
Going around the turn and up the slant to the garage. The rise here is about 18". I'm glad to have this turn done as the combination of turn plus up hill is no fun. |
One thing that can make wall building fun (cause there isn't much else) - driving the GMC Dump Truck to go get concrete and mortar. I load 80lb bags on my own pallet outside and pay the teenagers inside. Then I ask them to help, suggesting use of a pallet truck. They say no need and go outside to help the old man, see the pallet stacked with 1000+ lbs of heavy, and go inside to get the pallet truck. Works great. |
Recent progress on the finished top. The stones on top are called cap stones, like a "Cap" and Gown. I was only going to make them one stone wide, but my wall consultant suggested a mortared top (applied by putting wet Portland Cement/Sand on a Mortar Board) would be more like she had in mind. |
Still working as of December 5, 2009. Wall is still not complete. But I get to wait till the snow melts and the mud dries. Yep, just a few weekend project. |
December 12. Christmas decorations are going up. The GMC Dump Truck is back from the repair man. So it can sit here (without blowing a quart of power steering fluid and a pint of brake fluid on the gravel) while I dump about three or four Earthforce EF-3 buckets of nice, brown topsoil. The topsoic will fill over the red clay and the black landscape fabric, under which is lots of gravel. |
Post dump. Note that the top of the wall is finished. You can see the gravel between the landscape fabric and the wall. The fabric folds over the gravel and then dirt goes on top. |
This is a rock that I shaped. In fact I did some to the other side as well. That tungsten carbide Rebit HM25 chisel works well. Troublesome rocks are sedimentary, which break in layers. Best rocks are metamophized ones. They break clean along the lines. |
A little fill in March 2010. Still waiting for some warmer weather before finishing the last course on the sidewalk wall. Then I have the other side to do. |
A popular view, this time including a chicken. The grass has grown into the fill, making it look a bit less barren. I also backfilled some gravel next to the wall. |
This section is next to the garage. Note the little flat area for driving lawn mowers and fork lifts into the little courtyard. There is some debate as to whether it needs another layer on it, but I say it should be flush and only one rock deep, to account for the weight of any machines. |
For those of you who want to have audio accompaniment and don't to wear out your mouse roller, arrow keys, or fingers, here is a YouTube version of the Front Entry Wall saga, from beginning to end |