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  Step in to a virtual fantasia of variety. Recognize your own limitations by seeing some here. Outcrop Acres does all. Be part of it. Cast off your chains and shackles. Expect the expected.

  October 15, 2018 Digging the Money Pit - Consistent with my MotoGP and MotoAmerica buddies, I spend much of the prime motorcycle track season spending money on scooter updates. These 2018 R6 Updates may not make the scooter or me any faster, but it keeps me off the streets and farther from retirement.
  March 12, 2017 Safer Toes - Keeping with the theme of self preservation, I installed a Toe Guard on the R6 Track Bike today. That should about do it for off season Off Season Updates.
  February 5, 2017 A Rube that Lubes - That's me! Nearly finished up the 2017 R6 Updates (Part 2) today. In Part 2, I do lots of lubing, of cables, of wheel bearings, and crankcases. I even spend some time making sure that crankcase lube stays safe and in the bike.
  January 22, 2017 R6 Chain Reaction - As I wait for replacement clip ons, I tackle some other 2017 R6 Updates (Part 1), including some case sliders, key loss prevention, and preparation of the second set of wheels.
  January 16, 2017 Going to New Bars - A story about a guy crashing his bike because his stock clipons broke is a good sales technique for the handlebar people. And since my toes have been touching down a bit more, it's time for some R6 control modifications. See 2017 R6 Update (Part 1) for the whole scintillating story.
  November 27, 2016 Track Summary - 2016 has been a busy year at the closed circuits for the R6 Track Bike. See some of the R6 Updates made through the year, to the bike, to the Scooter Hauler and to me. You can see some of the results at the 2016 Track Summary. And remember to Donate whether this page interests you or not. It is a good exercise.
  February 13, 2016 Investment in a Dirty Bike - My bargain KTM 250 XC dirt scooter is becoming less of a bargain as I clean, rehab, and replace parts. Thus far I'm about a month and 1/2 into it. And I've salvaged two wood screws, a couple 1/2 inch SAE bolts (odd in a metric machine), some dry wall screws, a bunch of cable ties. I've replaced all that with OEM nuts and bolts and new plastics, which are about 1/10 the price of Italian or Japanese equivalents.
  January 23, 2016 Snow, Maintenance and Practice - It snowed on January 23. So I had to get the machines ready to clear out the driveway following the predicted 24" of snow. New battery for the Earthforce EF-3. Mount the back blade on the International 574 Tractor. But the real maintenance was to finally Fix the Loose Joystick on the EF-3. Because of this snow, I put all the cars in the garage (imagine that!!) which cramped my work area, limiting my ability to continue work on the new (old) KTM 250 XC dirt scooter.
  November 6, 2015 Track Bike - I had so much fun at my first Track Day at Summit Point, I decided I needed to do a few more. But I wanted to make the modifications and inevitable repairs a bit more affordable. So I decided I needed to get a dedicated R6 Track Bike to do nothing but go one way. That would save the of fun and gave the Ducati 848 for street posing.
  April 27, 2015 Tracking - Been spending a lot of time on the road this year. So I decided to spend some time on a special one-way road. Went to a Track Day at Summit Point. It was a lot of fun and gave the Little Duc some exercise. But if you know these things, it was like taking an Italian Olympic Sprinter to run in the local church fair.
  October 11, 2014 Red Summer - Its been a long time for an update - my apologies, gentle readers. But its worth the wait. First, I added another reason for the Ducatista to celebrate - a fourteen year old Ducati ST2 joins the garage band to let me do some tourisimoing. Next, ride along on its maiden Toursimo North Carolinio for some damp, gear shredding adventures. Then, witness resulting maintenance I do on various Ducati Hydraulic parts to keep everything tight and clean.
  January 1, 2014 Happy 2014 - Pretty sedate Holidays at the Acres. I was able to snap a few photos of the relaxed 2013 Holiday Event. Also, you can review the timeline of Music for 2013, a banner musical memories year. I also finished a few utilities projects - replacement Water Softener and a new radiant heat Recirculation Pump Motor for my mom's house.
  December 8, 2013 December Updates - Just a few updates on a cold, Sunday afternoon. See a few more dimensions of the Ducati 848, including its new Hugger! Also got PortaShed in place for another year and packed with Firewood. I finalized the Wall Lighting for the Front Wall.
  October 13, 2013 Four Years and Twenty Nine Days - The Front Wall is done (except for another layer on the original east side to take out the elevation steps. Oh, and maybe capstones on the entire wall). Speed walling paid off. See how five more tons of 57's and 45 ton of dirt fill finish the west side of the Front Wall.
  August 18, 2013 Mid-Wall, Mid-Life Progress - Adopted a new wall building technology called "Speed Walling." May let me finish the front wall in under five years. See the results in Front Wall, Part Four. With fuel prices staying the same and me getting older, I needed a gas guzzling exotic to scratch my post-mid-life crisis. But since I can't afford a Ferrari, I went with a Two Wheel Equivalent.
  April 20, 2013 Stop Gus - Gus is a wanderer (and a chewer and a gravel eater and a jumper and a pee-er and a licker and a stinker and the list goes on). So we need to stop him from wandering. So I'm erecting a Gus Barrier (or fence as many may call it). I also finished the Merge Lane and Mailbox Post Modification.
  April 20, 2013 Oh and Stop CISPA - Once again, one of the three Internet Destructors (government, marketers, or the Spirit of Security) is threatening the value of the Internet. This time its the government. Today a bill called CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) passed in the house of representatives. CISPA lets the federal government lean on private companies to extract data from their data sources (i.e., user data that most of us believe is private) to "fight hackers and cybercriminals in and outside of the United States." No warrant is required. Seems to me it violates the Fourth Ammendment. Sign the Petition!
  February 3, 2013 Mailbox On Ramp - Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays those couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. Nothing there about speeding trucks wiping out USPS approved roadside repositories. See how we keep our Mailbox Address from being wiped out as well.
  January 9, 2013 Four Legged Holiday - Christmas was pretty different this year. It snowed. I moved my little computer table to a different corner. We added a Puppy named Gus.
  December 1, 2012 Making some BTUs - See the new wall extension and footer I did on the West Wall a few weeks ago, even though its too cold to put rocks in mortar. So instead, I'm making Firewood. The cut, split and dried sticks will reside in Porta-Shed now that it has moved to its winter resting place.
  September 30, 2012 Birthdays Trump Walls - Celebrate Junior's 21st Birthday Bootivaganza with nearly the whole family as we get together on the Patio. Meanwhile, see some recent progress on the poor West Wall, which seems to have suffered summer neglect since June. It can't seem to compete with all the other fun summer activities, including cleaning up after a Derecho, the fun of erecting Ancient Columns, Changing Cars and the 21st Birthday, . But like the East Wall project in 2009, walls seem to be autumn projects.
  July 25, 2012 MINImum Impacts to the Garage - The garage floor is rated for 5000 lbs per sq ft. We added about 300. That came from the addition of a MINI Cooper S. It replaces a wiperless, airbagless, clearwindowless Miata.
  July 4, 2012 Independence from Tree Services - A Derecho is a storm that goes in a straight line. At the end of June, we had a Derecho come by our house which resulted in the Great Power Outage of 2012. It's amazing how many things come to a halt when there's no power and very, very hot. It also knocked down lots of trees which had to be cleaned up. The Derecho also tested the lateral stability of the Ancient Columns.
  June 22, 2012 New Ancient Columns - What? Why no Wall work? Cause its a pain in the neck. I did get a Concrete Mixer to make it easier. And another Rebit Carbide-Tipped Rock Chisel.. But once I had the mixer, I wanted to finish the Ancient Columns that go on footers we put near the patio last year.
  May 26, 2012 Back to the Wall - Once again, my back is against the wall. Not due to the difficult economy or trouble with the law. Nope, its that my back is against the Wall, again. Now in the fourth year of Front Wall building, I'm starting a few months earlier than normal - May instead of September and August. Maybe I'll get close to finished, now that I have a replacement tool that will save me plenty of maintenance time. Take a look at our new weed eater on the Tools page. Its wonderful!
  April 15, 2012 Tax Day - Who cares? I spent the weekend refurbing a Kemp K6CH Chipper Shredder. No, not a skateboard. Its a machine that grinds up organic matter. My pop lent it to me along with some outside vacuum cleaner. Turns out it was all just a test - the chipper was great, but had a busted motor. And no one in their right mind vacuums outside. But, the vacuum had nearly the same engine as the chipper. So all I had to do was do a transplant and a few mods.
  April 8, 2012 Spring So Soon? - It was just just four updates ago that Porta-Shed left the factory and found its way to its winter resting place. It did a great job holding firewood. It even had a light controlled by Home Automation. But its time for Porta-Shed to Head South (well, mostly east) for the summer.
  April 3, 2012 Best Perfection - I left work early (about 6:30pm) today so I could get home to do things outside. I'm trying to cut and split the wood that came from a few cherry trees that were voted off the acres. So after hacking up some of the weekend logs with the Rebuilt Husqvarna and splitting and stacking a thread of firewood (a little tiny part of a cord - get it??), I sat around on the G-Cart until it got dark and reflected on the challenges of my professional endeavors. That, along with some thoughts from a muse, made me think about the Pursuit of Perfection. After reflecting on perfection, it seemed a near perfect reason to update the Best and Worst Autos of the Year. I enjoyed my evening away from the office!
  March 11, 2012 A Bump on the Head - While changing Bushhog Blades, I took a bump to the head which cost me a few hours and some head staples. We also added a new, but provisional, member to the auto team, a CRV. Its pretty Honda. For all you Earthforce fans, we've added a full range line of Earthforce Loader Backhoe Brochures from the now defunct Earthforce company who made our EF-3.
  January 13, 2012 First Month Updates - As the weather grows cold and the days short, I have less outside project time and more time inside to blow. So as I was working on adding more intelligence to Daisy, I ended updating several other Home Technology Configurations. Also, way overdue, is the addition of the BMW 525i page (which could of been added in 1995 but we didn't own it then). Its the Daughter's car who gets a few updates of her own.
  January 1, 2012 New Years Additions - Well, its New Years Day and another December Holiday is closing out. Relive our addition of memories, booty and a few 10s of pounds during our Festive 2012 Holidays. While you're here, review the addition and moving of Porta-Shed from the front of the garage to its winter resting place. Least interesting to many, but hours of fun for me is the addition to our family of Daisy.
  December 27, 2011 Merry Holidays - Its Moving Day here during the Winter Solstace holidays. Today, cause its raining, we move the finished Porta-Shed from the front of the garage to its winter resting place (next to the house to provide a dry place for firewood). Also, see the winter state of the West End of the Front Wall.
  December 11, 2011 Portable Shed - With the new Husqvarna 346XP and Rebuilt Husqvarna 51 chainsaws all working and needing to be used, I'm replacing the five year old firewood sponges that don't burn. Even with good, less porous wood, any rain seems to soak in enough to keep the de-gassed fireplace from stoking up well. So I am building a Portable Shed. It will hold firewood in the fall and winter and gardening paraphanalia during the spring and summer. I have the time to fab up the shed since I have put the West End of the Front Wall to bed for the winter.
  November 26, 2011 Stupidity Insurance - Unfortunately, such a thing doesn't exist. I've needed it many times, most recently when I straight-gassed and then had to Rebuild my Husqvarna 51 chainsaw. But it works well now, giving me an excuse to work on things other than the West End of the Front Wall. For instance, I de-gassed the fireplace and returned it to wood burning status. Course its about 70° outside so I was asked not to test that. Portable Shed (12/11)
  September 25, 2011 Slow Progress - I haven't worked as much on the West End of the Front Wall, though I'm about at the same progress point as I was on the East End of the Front Wall, since I started much earlier. I've had several distractions, including my amazingly fullfilling career duties, a Broken Car to fix, and a couple of trips away.
  August 14, 2011 Re-Excavation of the Wall Trenches - Its pretty clear that after all the wall work involved in the Patio and the First Half of the Front Wall, I am almost walled out. I've expressed this procrastination by deciding to change the location of the Second Half of the Front Wall. First I had to take out a tree to make conceptual room for the future driveway move required by the move of the wall. Then I had to dig out the footers and re-excavate them. That all being done, I've actually started on Laying the Stones.
  July 24, 2011 Starting on the Wall Again - Its finally time to Finish the Front Wall. I did the East Half of the Wall in 2009, starting in September and thinking I'd be done by late October, early November tops! Try May 2010! That was working every weekend through December 20 and waiting out the Arctic Snows of 2010 . So I've been procrastinating a few years. Plus, I had to do the Patio (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) which took me to yesterday. So now, at the end of July, I'm getting a month head start on Part 2. I'd really like to finish by December.
  July 15, 2011 Patio's First Birthday - One year and 11 days after the Patio Groundbreaking, we celebrate the 1.030137th anniversary of the Patio. Seemed it it was barely one year ago that we started the excavation. Time flies when the job seems infinite. So, in honor of this most significant milestone, we present the Patio Phase 3 - Finishing Touches. Though much is done, there remains much to do. Many of the accomplishments are hidden, springing forth from the winter's Home Automation efforts. Take a look for yourself. And if the accomplishments here warm your heart and you feel the need to unload some cash into pointless ventures, make sure you you make a taxable Donation to Outcrop Acres.
  June 17, 2011 Updated Automation - It turns out the month of Home Automation turned into double-quarter of automation for a couple of reasons: one, it took me longer to spend the money since I didn't have it and two, I still wasn't sure why I was doing it. But I've had a blast. I think the house is pretty smart now. Lights go on and off by themselves. I get messages when things happen. The house takes pictures and videos of events. And, we can program the whole house into different modes based on our moods (like "Turn this crap off cause its pissing me off" mode or "Why can't I just use the normal switch" mode or "Fine - I'll just keep my car outside" mode).
  January 23, 2011 Year of Automation (or maybe just the month of automation) - Home Automation that is. I'd heard alot about Insteon products from the Home Theater Guys over the last year. So I thought I would add some simple switches to handle some mundane automation tasks. Buster the Dog really enjoys the added automation as he snoozes on the couch.
  December 30, 2010 Old Year's Day - Well its the last day (or two) of this old 2010. But, having a busy schedule here at the 'Acres, we thought we'd get the last of the 2010 activities into this year. Christmas 2010 is about done, leaving 361 days to wait until the next one. This one was pretty good. We got some new electronics, this time for the Five-Series Audio Uplift. And don't forget to make your last minute, taxable Donations to Outcrop Acres to help support us during the coming odd year.
  December 11, 2010 Last Month of the Year - We've finished the Patio as you can see in Patio Part 1 and finalized in Patio Part 2, which includes a fascinating video slideshow uploaded at YouTube. While you're at it, you can watch a Audio Inspired Presentation of the Front Wall. And if you are truely inspired by these, you may feel that you need to support these activities by donating to the Outcrop Acres Center for Inspirational Innovation.
  November 21, 2010 Finished Patio - After finishing the walls, I had only three jobs to complete the patio - laying the slate walkways, dry stacking the roman fountain pool and backfilling. I finished up the slate walkways on November 13 and the pool on the 14th. But I needed the Dump Truck to do the fill. Alas, it wouldn't start. Turned over but no start. So my friends at Goldwrench fixed it and it was on to the last job of backfilling. See all the details here on the Patio Part 2 page. If you missed the beginning, review the early days here on the Patio Part 1 page.
  October 4, 2010 Another Wall - Last year, I started the Front Wall project on September 1. I figured I'd have it done in a month but worked on it through the onset of 18" snows in December. I finished it up in May 2010 after the snows melted. This year, I started early - June 26 on the Patio Project. My daughter and I nearly finished the patio part by end of September. But guess what? It has stone walls surrounding it. The additional time and fact that my editing software can't handle more than 34 sections leads me to create a Patio Part 2 page.
  August 13, 2010 Vacation - It's been since 2008 that I took a few days to work on something at home. This last week, my Daughter and I worked on the Patio Project. Its slow going, mostly cause I get to drive the Dump Truck at about 50mph to get the materials (Crusher Run and Stone Dust). Now that's a vacation!
  July 18, 2010 Catching a Brake - For the last six months, I couldn't stop the Earthforce EF-3 backhoe. Seems the parking brake broke. Tune in to my static reality event, EF-3 Parking Brake Fabrication. Its fascinating. Also, you can see the beginnings of the new Outcrop Acres Patio Project.
  May 2, 2010 Dumpasaurus' One Year Anniversary - So the mulch business doesn't look promising. I planned this weekend to go out and make some big cheddar using the fresh investment in the Tire on the Dump Truck. But first, it needed State Inspecting, since it was 1 year old. An hour after dropping it off, I got the call - drag link, king pins, floor board, exhaust leak, rear wheel seals. Seems all my future profits are going into the truck. So instead of earning big cheddar, I ate swiss and worked around the house, nearly finishing the Front Wall. Now, with the left side done, I only have the right side. Watch as the Junior Girl helps out with the wall and gets rid of some dirt. Buster got a hair cut - he looks like a regular Golden.
  April 18, 2010 Out of the Mulch Hole and into the Mulch Business - Spring Time is mulch time. But first, I have to get the Dump Truck out of the Mulch Hole and Unbend the Fuel Tank. Once I've figured out how to navigate the mulch yard, I can be the next Mulch Mogul, as long as I keep my Tire Costs under control.
  March 28, 2010 Cool Spring Activities- After the Giant Snows of 2010, our driveway was in bad shape. It needed gravel. Getting just some home convinced me it was time to Patch the Dump Truck. Its still a bit too cool to start the Front Wall work again, but I was able to get some more fill into the front courtyard. And while I don't discuss it much here, I did some Tech Updates around the house.
  February 14, 2010 Snowbound - We thought that the First Snow of 2009 was big (see below). That eight inches has been dwarfed by the combined 64" and two months of continuous, project sufficating, never ending, Cold, Deep, Slippery Air Excrement we have seen since then. We are bound up not only by the snow, but by the continuous subfreezing outside temperatures and the inside nearfreezing temperatures (the gas powered secondary heat broke before Christmas). During the first of these giant snow smackdowns, I added some much needed Drawers and barely needed Shelves to the garage workbench area.
  December 12, 2009 Cold December - After the First Big Snow of 2009 and the sub-32 temperatures, I took another brake from the Front Wall. I'm officially in 3 12/31 months on the wall. But after getting the Dump Truck back (after its hemorraging fluids and engine fuel solenoid intermittent failure), I was finally able to do some gravel and topsoil backfill. Enjoying my summer project to no end!!
  December 1, 2009 Odds and Ends - For loyal Acreists who have poured over every page countless times, I have a early holiday seasons surprise! Rather than thrill you with all new content, we are updating a few of the golden pages of the past. Junior's Graduation page (in an odd year) gets some updates, showing the pomp and circumstance and family antics. The Dump Truck and Earthforce EF-3 Backhoe pages get some new additions. We finally do a Group Photo! Note the current layout of the Garage Media, with a new phone and additional exterior amplifier. And while still not at the end, we are rounding a corner with the Front Wall, now going into its fourth month of weekends.
  November 8, 2009 The Wall - Still working on it (the Front Wall). Since September 1. Over two months. What a hoot.
  September 26, 2009 Legality, at least Partially - We've come a long way since 1991. Outcrop Acres, our move from suburbia, grey hair, and a now (partially) legal age daughter. Celebrate this momentus occasion on the 18th Birthday Page . Afterwards, as you remember back to your own coming of age (or look forward to it), catch up on Front Wall update and get the latest look at the future Machine Shed Pad. You can also view and post comments at the new Outcrop Acres Blog.
  September 6, 2009 Dry Wall and the College Dorm- Maybe not. Maybe half wet, half dry. Its the Front Wall, a rock wall in front of the house that was planned to be dry laid. But it takes too much precision to fit everything together and takes too much rock. So, I spent Labor Day weekend preping the footers and starting the wall on the 36" deep footers of gravel. This follows, by several weeks, our delivery of our little Daughter to her first year to her College Freshman Dropoff at the dorm! But since the daughter is now in school, the Projects Can Begin! See the painting stage of Medium Picket Fence.
  August 24, 2009 Draining Away the Courtyard- We plan to expand our piddily floor space by building some outside. But first, I have to Drain Away the torrential rains that will inevitably deluge the Courtyard Area since it is situated between the Garage and the House in a low spot. In the past, water just pooled here, but when it is landscaped, fountained, pathed, and patioed, there will be little chance for natural drainage.
  August 9, 2009 My New Pad - Finally figured out where I will put the Machine Shed - on My New Pad! I had originally planned a Barn in the general location. But with the Garage and the shed, I think I only need a shed. No interest in a Machine Shed? Then check out the G-Cart Refurb.
  June 6, 2009 Graduating Class of 2009 - Junior is a graduated senior. Celebrate (acknowledging successful accomplishments) her Graduation from High School (which comes right on the tail of the High School Senior Prom) with her Family and Friends.
  May 31, 2009 Promenade du Seniors de Schoole Highe - Junior is nearing graduation from High School. Join us in reveling with her as she takes that last dance at the High School Senior Prom. While you're here, have a Look Around outside. And if you missed it, check out the Dump Truck. Its pretty cool too!
  May 16, 2009 Picket Lines and Gates - Watch the progress of the new Medium Picket Fence as it replaces the e-Fence. It is supposed to keep the Buster in. As a Medium Fence, it has two gates - one wide and another narrow. Make sure you check out the other gate on the tail of the Dump Truck.
  May 2, 2009 Dumpasaurus - I finally found a (pretty distant from perfect) Dump Truck. Its actually a dump flat bed on which I put some sides. It will vastly improve my dirt moving cycle times. The Dump Truck goes 53, the Earthforce EF3 Backhoe goes four. I've also listed all the Other Dump Trucks that I passed.
  March 24, 2009 Tagged Out - Spring is the time for Softball. The daughter plays some fine ball on the local high school varsity team. Catch some of the action of this Senior Shortstop's action along with that of her team!
  March 22, 2009 Outcrop Acres is Shelved - No, dedicated community of Outcrop Acres, not the site. The Garage! Now that we have the very tall white garage with cool electronics racks and media.stuff and a great workbench, I decided I needed some place to put real garage stuff. Otherwise I was going to have to move a bed and refridgerator out there. Too cold. So tune into the Phase 1 Installment of Garage Shelves.
  March 17, 2009 The Luck of the Irate - Most of my efforts have gone into fitting out the Garage. This therapy helps heal the financial wounds of the Global Economic Slowdown and the time and money I put into wiring the Garage to the Main House last summer. Now, I have to use all that wire. So to fully guild the lilly a couple of times, I spent more time on the Cabling and Alectronics Rack (CAR). As a result, I can put in the Garage Media capabilities. This gives me Internet Radio, PC capabilities, email, Internet browsability, distributed PC based DVR, and regular and satellite TV + intercom and telephony. That's what I call Garage Media.
  February 8, 2009 A Great Rack - So there you are in the Garage wondering what kind of spark plugs go into the 1964 Ferrari 250 GTO (or in my case the 1997 Mazda Miata). Given my life savings is already tied up in the Miata and the Garage, there's no money for manuals. So, I go to the telephone on the wall and call my loving family in the house 100 feet away and ask them. They say, "Why the %&$*#&% are you bothering me - Do like George $&*%$ W. Bush and use The Google." Why didn't I think of that! Luckily, I have a computer playing Radio Paradise so I don't have to listen to staticky, commercial laden FM radio. I simply go to "The Google," but quickly forget what I'm there for and start checking out Ferrari flags for sale on eBay. Miata's never need spark plugs anyway. This is all made possible by the Cabling and Alectronics Rack (CAR) in the Garage.
  January 12, 2009 Bench Work over the Holidays - A Garage is useless unless you want to stay dry getting in and out of your car. But since our garage is detached and we will get wet going to the house, I need something in the garage to do until the rain stops. Can't do anything without a Workbench. So, over the Christmas Holiday, I started work on a workbench. I have big plans and a small budget, so stay tuned for updates as I make some spending money here and there. During the holiday, I was able to add another chapter to my annual Beard project. And a last point of interst, note the customization of the Landscape Rake to enable even greater slothiness.
  December 20, 2008 Holiday Preparations - Well, its Christmas at Home this year. To do so, there are lots of preparations. First, we have to clean the house and changes things around. Next, we have to finish the Driveway Relocation, started in January of 2008. Then, we have to cook and stuff. Then I guess, we'll take it easy for a few winter weeks, while El Nino pelts of with more mud and rain. If it weren't for the miracle of the Internet, this Global Warming thing would be a bust.
  November 30, 2008 Thanksgiving in NYC - Once again, we gave thanks in New York City this year. Our Thanksgiving Tradition includes spending the day at a sister-in-law's house. Sometimes in NYC, sometimes in the valley of Virginia. Either way, we get to eat unique foods and see unusual people. And most years, we see some amazing shows. This year, share in my blackberry musings as we spend three days in New York City.
  November 15, 2008 Walkways to the Garage - The Garage is finally done. Now we need to build all the garage accessories. These are like all the things you need after a major purchase that the seller never includes. For instance, you don't get all the cables and tables with a new TV. Same for a garage. So, now I've had to put in Walkways around the house. Likewise, I have to Relocate the Driveway. None of these tasks would be feasible without the trusty assistance of the Earthforce EF-3 Backhoe, which was orginally bought to excavate under the Pergola.
  May 18, 2008 Progress on the Garage - Slow going on the construction of the Garage. The builder is doing a fantastic job - no complaints. Except he seems to value headroom more than most. The garage and mudroom are a whopping 10ft tall. Guess this minimizes the potential for cabon monoxide poisoning by creating more air volume in the closed space.
  April 11, 2008 The Chicks Dig It - After looking from April 2007 to November 2007, we finally got in the game. That's right - the Game of Excavation. No boy who has played in the dirt from sun-up to sun-up doesn't want to do it with real hydraulics. While not a full size, the Earthforce EF-3 Backhoe gets in close to the delicates (house walls, cars, animals) but still rips up the ground faster and more destructively than a Terramite or a Tonka. And where might something like this live? Well certainly not in the nice new and clean Garage. No, the garage is reserved for cars and sports equipment and other junk usually found in trunks and back seats.
  November 11, 2007 Static Popularity - The continued global popularity of Outcrop Acres reamins strong even after nearly two years of predictable (i.e., unchanged) content. We finally need to update a few things. December 2006 brought another feeble attempt to have a Beard. Also, reflect in the ages of the updated the annual Family Picture for 2006. While discussing family, note the updates on the Daughter page. She is nearly 16, so she wants a car - I tell her to consult the 2006 update for Best and Worst Cars.
  December 25, 2006 Holiday 2006 - An amazing time with a local jaunt involving one state (and one territory) tells the Holiday 2006 story this year. This follows the amazing repeat visit to the Big Apple for Thanksgiving 2006, knocking down visits to yet more few states.
  April 22, 2006 First Updates of 2006 - Lots going on. First of all, put on your seat belts and check out the 2005 update for Best and Worst Cars. Next, hang with us for an intense 2006 Spring Break in the Big Apple. Then torpidize (I got that word from a dictionary I was reading in the bathroom during my intense big apple powerfun) yourself with my sedentary Wood Working activties. Finally, you can see a couple of Buddies hanging out in the Spring sunshine. And while you are here, check out the long awaited Holiday 2005 page, recounting the antics and unexpected joys of Christmas 2005.
  December 10, 2005 Giving Thanks in New York - Normally, Thanksgiving happens locally, which it does anyway since that's where most of the things for which I'm thankful are. But this Thanksgiving, we were busy thanking remotely from New York City. We had some Thanks for the locals there as well.
  November 5, 2005 Almost Falling - Join us this Autumn season to relive the perilous escapades of afixing Shutters to the House. Get a fresh view of the Miata Commuter Pod. See how the G-Cart is used most productively. Look in on an exclusive, never-been-seen-before view of Buster the Dog being groomed.
  September 17, 2005 Birthday Celebration - Has it been a while since an update? Have you nearly given up hope? No worries! Sometimes you have to be patient. And hear at the 'acres, your patience will be rewarded. We have lots of updates coming in the next few weeks. So lets start with the most recent first - Junior's 14th Birthday. This year its gronk with about three dozen.
  January 22, 2005 Freeze of 2005 - With Winter's first snowstorm, I had some time to contemplate another model years's worth of Best and Worst cars. We add new manufacturer's to both categories this year. We also get an addition to the stable of Outcrop Acres family members with Blue. Finally, our visitors need to know that I am trying to improve my right hand touch typing by using all five fingers like Mr. Qwerty originally intended.
  December 25, 2004 Holiday 2004 - Another powerhouse celebration at Outcrop Acres again for 2004. This year, we focus on the Christmas Decorations and then cover the Family Christmas Events. Also mark the second anniversary of a long standing Outcrop Acres tradition with us as Frosty comes out for another Holiday Season!
  September 20, 2004 Out with the Black Claw - In with the Goat House - Its the end of an era as the Black Claw finds a new home. But that's OK, because the goats get a new home too! Check out the new Goat House on the Livestock Page.
  August 30, 2004 DMZ Construction Nearing Completion - Get an inside view on the makings of a Board Fence to establish the Outcrop Acres DeMilitarized Zone, separating view loving separatists from street light desiring vinyl siders.
  August 19, 2004 Roller Coaster Mania - As Hurricane Charlie was just about to blow through Williamsburg, Virginia, I thought it appropriate to kick off an abbreviated summer vacation in the targeted Hurricane area. With reckless abandon, my kid and I headed into the eye of the storm armed with two three-day passes to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Afterwards, we head to another NSA Softball Tournament in Salem.
  April 15, 2004 Tax Day - Pretty much spent the last four months figuring out the taxes (actually I didn't do anything except sign the return). I built a few computers to replace the old P75's that were running the OAITI (Outcrop Acres Information Technology Infrastructure). The big news is the addition of a new Commuter Pod.
  January 6, 2004 Holiday Event Wrap Up - Settle in and rejoice throughout the winter! For while its cold and forbidding outside, know that you'll have hours of productive time perusing the most recent Outcrop Acres holiday activities. Start it off by visiting the Holiday 2003 page, where you can see Frosty's Birth and post-season Hybernation. Next, wyle away some cold dark evenings with us in the Walled Off Mancave (word concept credit to DJH). Catch up on eerie 2003 Halloween Party activities finally released to the public. And to cap it off, check out the Mack Daddy of them all!
  December 15, 2003 Early Holiday Start - Its not often, but this year, we actually have gotten ahead of the holiday rush and have our decorations up before New Years Day. Join us as we compile the record of Holiday 2003. Also, revel in the continued eclectity of Junior the Daughter. Finally, pick your sport with the Head Ball.
  September 21, 2003 When it Rains, It Pours - Boy, and I thought I wouldn't have enough fodder to keep the countless Outcrop Acres visitors continuously entertained! Hurricane Isabel blew in from the east to soak the east coast. This gives you a chance to join me for a tour of Tree Gutting here at the 'Acres. And stay tuned for continuous updates to the continuously updated Week in Canada page.
  September 12, 2003 Late Summer Labors - We've blasted out of the doldrums of the dog days and into a late summer whirlwind blitz! A whole Week in Canada, ey! Then, into the dynamic frenzy of Softball Tourney planning. These crazy times can only be offset by some time working on the Brother's POJ. Last and anything but least is Junior's 12th!
  July 14, 2003 Snoozer Updates - The Dog Days of Summer have begun.  In keeping with the lethargicism that accompanies the Dog Days, I'm making this update with such lethargicism in mind.  First, we have a really intense project addition - the Post Light.  Next, we showcase the beautiful Flowers of Summer.  Keep tabs on the early harvest of the Winter Grains.  And check the updates of the G-Cart, seeing some real world applications of the Flatbed G-Cart.
  July 1, 2003 Wettest Pre-Summer Season Yet - Between March and July, there was only one weekend where both days were dry.  We picked one of these wet weekends to conduct one of the worlds greatest Yard Sales!  The rain helped the grass grow and replenished the 25 year drought.  Buster used the wet weather and loose ground to Roust some Prey.  Meanwhile, I decided it time to publish our Movie Scoresheet, that rates all the movies I've taken the time to rate.
  April 14, 2003 Spring Creeps In - So its taken some time, but Spring is here.  Per the definition provided last year, Spring is when the grass is green but the bones of the trees are still visible.  Time for some home improvements.  The first is done yearly, that of fixing the grass.  This year I punched holes in the ground with the Core Aerator.  The next is the Conversion Cart project, which heightens the efficiency of the Outcrop Acres G-Cart.
  February 10, 2003 State of the Acres - I expect you, Dear Audience, have long anticipated this mid winter State of the Acres Update as much as I have awaited its publishment. See the Bungelator participate in the popular winter, indoor, Ball and Hoop activities. Experience the thrill of my Daily Commute. And don't miss the worlds most authoritative assessment of the Best and Worst Cars of the Year.
  January 5, 2003 End-of-Year Holiday Festivities - The 2002 Holidays were reason for celebration on several fronts. First, we joined our family from the Northeast in a fantastic Celebration of the Yule. Experience the Christmas Journey to, during, and from their home, as it was sprinkled with unique happenings. Finally, peek into the paper ripping frenzy which accompanies my kids Gift Opening ventures.
  November 10, 2002 Harvest Activities - Take a deep breath, the events report is awesome. The 2002 Peanut and Sunflower crop is in and the winter rye is planted. Celebration of the thinning of the veil between dead and alive, otherwise known as Halloween is complete. And a brisk vertical ascent to the Talus Rocks is completely underfoot.
  October 10, 2002 Antique's Make the Page - After 35 years, a small selection of my Pop's Antique Cars and Equipment equipment finally make their way on to the Outcrop Acres page. This is quite an honor for Outcrop Acres as this is the first time that any of these original classics have ever seen the routers and switches of the Internet.
  September 9, 2002 Cooling Off - The "Little Picket Fence" is complete! Thanks to all who persevered in their encouragement. The cannonball has landed. Note we finally put the Black Claw to pasture and are transitioning in a new Transport to help me compensate.
  July 27, 2002 Dog Days - The Dog Days of Summer slow the pace of excitement everywhere but here at the 'Acres. Boy, it has been jammed with events. See the dogs dance on a big Oak Tree that fell down, reducing the zap of the e-fence. Relive the excitement of the Yankees vs. Orioles during this recount of that sultry June night. The "Little Picket Fence" is painted and landscaping positioned (though we still await the Cannonball). Experience the same exhilaration I have each day as I walk into my Office.
  July 5, 2002 Independence Day Activities - Join in the explosive fireworks that happened at the family's "Independence Day" events. The whole family came together for ribs, fireworks, horseshoes, and carting. Even went down to the local fireworks celebration for some amazing rockets red glare. Not an idle second of time was wasted, as we all sought out our own independent paths for fun and excitement!
  June 3, 2002 Softball and Picket Fences - Check out the new "Mighty Flames" dedicated page. See all your favorite players, the schedule they play and the fun they have. Afterwards, feast your senses on the nearly complete "Little Picket Fence" on the Projects Page. This fence has two weekends of work and thinking invested.
  May 14, 2002 Spring Activities - Boy are you in for a treat - this update is just like a Microsoft Service Pack - jammed with all the unrelated changes and additions that you never knew you didn't need or want. A bit of reorganization meets the seasoned user - seasonal pictures of the place are moved to the Acres Section. Activities of the Spring Season are brought to you in the Project and Pasttimes Sections including the start of this years farming and softball activities. Get ready for changes to your way of life of a magnitude equaled only by gratuitous changes in operating systems.
  April 22, 2002 True Facts - Lots of sources claim they provide the truth. Truth be known, there are few if any sources of the truth. Therefore, I've taken the liberty to locate and list some of the undisputable facts of the universe. Fear not the validity of these facts - they have each been tested on "they," - you know, the group who even you attribute authoritative information. Consult the list of truisms in the Facts Section.
  January 21, 2002 New Additions over the Last Three Months - Great News! Lots of updates are available. Pictures of the festive 2001 Holiday Season are but a click away under the Photos Section. Additions to the Acres Section include seasonal views of the home. And don't miss the extreme excitement of the new Project Section, where our recent Painting and Beard projects are detailed.
  November 27, 2001 Counters Replaced by Only Reasonable Estimate Available - As Amazon, CNN, and most porn sites know, its impossible to get a server that has enough floating point register size to adequately handle the limitless numbers that a site like Outcrop Acres can produce. This is the only reason I can fathom that the server that hosted our counter has discontinued the service. As a result, we've had to drop the counters and go to the McDonalds style counter. While it was fun to see the server processors smoke when asked to handle the load of this site, its not something we can do in such dire economic times and expect the service providers to continue to make money. I'm sure you will all understand and empathize.

While you are here, check out the updates to the More of the Family and Livestock pages.

  October 28, 2001 Outcrop Acres Web Site Overhaul - For the first time in six years, the Outcrop Acres web site has been overhauled. Knowing how difficult it is to get used to a new "look and feel," I apologize to the millions and millions of satisfied users who have frequented this site over the years. We trust that with a little use and practice, our old users will find themselves right back in the comfort that they've enjoyed and relied on for years.

For new users, we trust you too will find value in the Mother Lode of Valuable, Mission Critical Data from which your colleagues have benefited for so long. Welcome.

  Credits and Donations


  The number of benefactors to this Mother Lode of Valuable, Mission Critical Data is now unknown - the superprecision, visitor turnstile counter system seems inoperative. Therefore, we'll just go to the McDonalds approach to counting visitors

Number of Satisfied Visitors: BILLIONS AND BILLIONS

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