Christmas 2008


  2008 had some real ups and downs. We had some real downers this year, but also some real progress in our lives. All in all, it was productive and memorable. This year we stay at the house, with the family coming here. That's good because it makes us clean up. Click on Frosty for a Giant Surprise! Merry Christmas

  Frosty's all happy about having a good sidewalk. This lets him greet visitors without them cussing and flinging mud onto his satin white, translucent ripstop skin lighted by three little lights suspended from his brain.

  Here are some ducks. There is a Mom duck and two baby ducks. Note the one baby duck is going in a direction opposite that the mom duck wants to go. The other duck can't make up its mind. Mom duck says, "come on, we are going over there." Little duck says, "nope. I'm going opposite you even if I know this wire will stop me before I get too far - that's even more reason to do the opposite of what you say." Ducks

  This year, the Post Light got more than some lights - it got some pine stuff and a red ribbon.

  Frosty is an iron man - through wind and rain and snow (though not much - mostly wind), he just keeps smiling. Here he is at night along with Junior on the stairs, for a nice holiday picture. Frosty and Junior at Night

  The Bungan opening booty in the doorway. When it comes to opening, no shortage of seating keeps this one from her appointed mission.

  This is a budda-frog. He comes from a mysterious faraway place. He used to live with King Midas. Now he lives with us. And in my darling bride's other hand is magic elixor used to touch up budda-frog should any of his Midas Touch wear off.

  Half the family - this coming from the husband side. Note how restful our home makes these people, if they aren't smiling with glee, they are dozing off in relaxation..

  The other half of the family, or at least some percentage. Here, you get to witness the family's secret ritual - the Egg Wisk Shelving. It started many, many years ago as the "Best Wish Telling." But over the eons and as the legend was passed on from day to day, it evolved into what you see here. Once all have made their holiday wishes, the host female places a little wisk with a happy little egg body on top of the shelf. Why else would we have this screwy shelf in this room?

  The front door - nice wreath with the chinese made red bow. We had a little five dollar Lowes tree inside in the hall. It was very festive.

    Merry Christmas and a stressless, enjoyable Year of 2009!