Porsche Design Concepts

    Porsche Targa's are pretty cool. Porsche realized this and stretched the Porsche shape into several other recent models. The Boxster freshens the Porsche look of the 50s into a thoroughly modern car. Most recently, Porsche transformed the teardrop shape of the 911 into the Cayenne, Porsche's feeble attempt to cash in on the ridiculous, meaningless SUV craze. I thought it would be nice to give a sneak peak at some of the other design's on which Porsche is working.


The Porsche Minivan


Once you have an SUV, might as well market a minivan - here's Porsche's answer to that market segment - the new Cayenne inspired Porsche minivan.




Since Porsche designed the Cayenne to compete with the GM Suburbans, they needed a stretch limo to compete with the Cadillacs.




Here is one of their early cuts at a true two seater.

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