Farming 2002

  The ag field as plowed and disked for CY02. This shot follows a weekend of minimal pitch disking. That's when I crank the tandem disk machine to minimal angle. This way each disk is almost parallel to the line of travel. It makes nice even ground for planting..

  Rows of Peanuts Peanuts in a row. Looking forward to a big cash crop. Also looking forward to willing volunteers to reap the bounty of the soil. After they get yanked, we'll hurl them aboard the wagon and let them dry. Then they get boiled.

  A wee little sprout of a peanut plant. This is what they look like after they sprout from seed. There are about 25lbs of little seads in the fields this year. I planted after the May 17 frost. Peanut seads are actually peanuts! Wee Little Peanut Sprout

  Sunflowers Dominate the Peanuts Volunteer sunflowers are dominating the peanut fields, most likely occurring since I bushhogged last year's crop in-field. This year, I'll cut off the heads and dry the seeds away from the fields.

  A close up of one of the sunflowers. Funny, the sun is high in the background, yet all the sunflowers seem to face me! Hmm. Could it be . . . is it realistic . . . that I, farm challenged boy, could be . . . brighter . . . than . . . the . . . sun? Turns out no. Seems the flash for the camera was on. With these sunflowers being dwarfs, they have less mass, therefore, less stemular inertia, giving them the ability to immediately face the brightest source of light - the flash. Sunflowers Dominate the Peanuts

  Reaping our Nutty Reward Here we reap our nutty reward. After plowing with the regular plow, we picked up the loose peanut plants and hurled them aboard the wagon.

  The picking crew - myself and my girl (on the outsides) with the migrant nephews in between. Migrants

  All the Peanuts All the peanut lines mounted in the playyard.

  Here are a few of the lines of peanuts that were hung up to dry. Given a few weeks of the kind of dry weather we had had this summer, these would be ready for a few months of storage. As our luck would have it, it rained for the two weeks they were out. We only got a few.

If you want some, send a check for $1000 per pound and a self addressed stamped envelope by email and we'll send you a peck.

Peanuts Hanging to Dry

  The Peanut Basket And at the end of the season - a big basket of peanuts! There are a few more in a few bags. Most of the peanuts, however, were returned to the fields as organic mass following the two weeks of rain that fell on the peanut lines while drying. It was still a lot of fun - stay in furrow for next year's crop!

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